Welcome to the website of composer and writer Derrick Wang.

Derrick Wang discusses his opera Scalia/Ginsburg with the Washington Post

Derrick Wang talks to the Washington Post about his opera Scalia/Ginsburg. In this Q&A, he discusses the origins of Scalia/Ginsburg, the importance of “operatic precedent,” and turning court decisions into words that sing. Read the Q&A here: http://wapo.st/18OXTUH

(Full link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/derrick-wang-discusses-scaliaginsburg-his-opera-about-the-supreme-court-justices/2013/10/03/7ec92c2a-2624-11e3-b3e9-d97fb087acd6_story.html

Derrick Wang speaks with the ABA Journal about his new opera Scalia/Ginsburg

Ruth Bader Ginsburg discusses Derrick Wang's opera Scalia/Ginsburg