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‘Scalia/Ginsburg’ is a chapter in Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s new book ‘My Own Words’

‘Scalia/Ginsburg’ is a chapter in Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s new book ‘My Own Words’

Derrick Wang’s opera Scalia/Ginsburg is the subject of a chapter in U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s new book My Own Words, released by Simon & Schuster on October 4, 2016.

Part I, Chapter 7 — titled ‘The Scalia/Ginsburg Opera’ — features the prefaces written by Justices Ginsburg and Scalia for the publication of the Scalia/Ginsburg libretto in the Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts. These prefaces are followed by excerpts from composer-librettist Derrick Wang’s libretto, with endnotes containing his citations to constitutional law and music history. The book contains several other references to Scalia/Ginsburg and Derrick Wang as well.

  • Part I, Chapter 7 (‘The Scalia/Ginsburg Opera’): pp. 43–55
  • Endnotes to Chapter 7: pp. 341–350
  • Other references: pp. 37, 41, 195, 331

To learn more, visit the book website.

Derrick Wang performs in audiobook of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s ‘My Own Words’

Derrick Wang performs in audiobook of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s ‘My Own Words’

Derrick Wang speaks at Stony Brook University on aesthetic influence of Justices Scalia and Ginsburg

Derrick Wang speaks at Stony Brook University on aesthetic influence of Justices Scalia and Ginsburg