‘Scalia/Ginsburg’ is a chapter in Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s new book ‘My Own Words’
Derrick Wang’s opera Scalia/Ginsburg is the subject of a chapter in U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s new book My Own Words, released by Simon & Schuster on October 4, 2016.
Part I, Chapter 7 — titled ‘The Scalia/Ginsburg Opera’ — features the prefaces written by Justices Ginsburg and Scalia for the publication of the Scalia/Ginsburg libretto in the Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts. These prefaces are followed by excerpts from composer-librettist Derrick Wang’s libretto, with endnotes containing his citations to constitutional law and music history. The book contains several other references to Scalia/Ginsburg and Derrick Wang as well.
- Part I, Chapter 7 (‘The Scalia/Ginsburg Opera’): pp. 43–55
- Endnotes to Chapter 7: pp. 341–350
- Other references: pp. 37, 41, 195, 331
To learn more, visit the book website.